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Our mission

Nottingham Trent Students' Union (NTSU) is a non-profit organisation affiliated with Nottingham Trent University (NTU).

We exist to represent NTU students and enhance their university experience from the moment they start their course.

Our mission

We empower students to make NTU the best academic and personal experience for themselves and others.

Our vision

Diverse communities of fulfilled students motivated to create positive change.

The values which guide us are

  • Student-led
  • Inclusive
  • Supportive
  • Forward thinking
  • Ambitious

Our strategic commitments & objectives

We will advocate for the best educational experience for NTU students

  • Enhance the quality of teaching and learning.
  • Offering representation, advice and guidance to members ensuring NTU procedures are just and transparent.
  • Supporting students' educational transitions.
  • Embedding the good practices, attitudes and behaviours that our student staff require for future employment.

We will encourage healthy communities

  • Facilitating student groups that reduce loneliness and isolation and promote wellbeing.
  • Designing and managing Union spaces and services with health and well-being in mind.
  • Engaging members in the design of strategies and services that support them.
  • Encouraging mutual respect between our members and their local communities.

We will represent and celebrate our diverse membership

  • Campaigning to close attainment gaps at the University and in society.
  • Embedding under-represented groups in decision making and planning.
  • Leading the conversation about Equality, Diversity and Inclusion on campus.
  • Engaging with national policy agendas in the interest of all NTU students.

Our strategy will be enabled by

  • Financial stability, generating surplus from our primary purpose trading activity for service innovation and reinvestment in our facilities.
  • A people strategy that supports staff development, innovation and project-based working.
  • A sustainable approach, strengthening the environmental dimension to our decision making.
  • The use of technology for communication and service delivery to complement high quality face to face activities.
  • The provision of equivalent services at all NTU campuses.