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International student support

This page contains advice, support, and general information on what you might need to know as an international student at NTU.

About NTSU

Nottingham Trent Students’ Union (NTSU) is a separate organisation to NTU. We run all kinds of extracurricular stuff, including social events, fun activities, and personal development opportunities. We're also your official representative body, so we can help you make changes to your student experience and give you free, impartial support and advice if and when you need it.

In short, we're here to make your time at Nottingham Trent University (NTU) the best it can be. Here's our mission statement:

We empower students to make NTU the best academic and personal experiences for themselves and others. NTSU is a democratic, but non-political organisation.


Our core values

Through NTSU, you can get involved in almost anything while you're at uni. We have a variety of activities for you to get stuck into and a place for you to meet with friends on your campus.


Student Groups

We help organise two types of student communities so you can meet people who share your interests and values; student networks and student societies.



Our seven networks support different demographic groups of students. Each is led by a Chair and a Vice-Chair. These are students whom members of the network elect to grow and develop their community. You can see our full network list here, but these are the ones you'll most likely be interested in:

International Students Network

Ethnic Minorities Network

Mature, Postgraduate & Non-Traditional Network



We have over 100 societies at NTSU. Being a part of a society is an excellent opportunity to meet new people, try something new, and have fun. Students who join societies consistently tell us it's one of their favourite things about being an NTU student. Join a society if you want to meet new people with similar interests to you and make lifelong friends and memories.

See our society list and join one today >>


Societies spotlight

A map of different countries with pins on edges connecting them.

Insert Society Name

Being a part of a society is a great opportunity to meet new people, try something new and have fun. Students who join societies consistently tell us that it is one of their favourite things about being an NTU student. Join a society if you want an easy way to meet new people who have similar interests to you.

Join a society today >>


We asked other international students for advice to share with you. Here's what they said:

“Join a society! There are many international societies that will help you make friends!”

“The SU services are really helpful if you need extra support with your studies.”

“Try new things. Other people are too focused on their own goals and lives to care about what you do. University goes so quickly, so don’t miss out.

“Join a culture society and visit the Global Lounge.”

“Learning and discovery is part of the journey.”


What is Freshers Week?

Freshers week is a week of welcome events designed to help you make new friends and introduce you to the University.

Do I have to pay to join the Students’ Union?

No. Students’ Union membership is free as long as you opt in when you enrol. Although, you may have to pay to join a society and attend specific events.


Your Spaces

NTSU has a dedicated building on City, Clifton, and Brackenhurst campuses. If you're studying on one of these campuses, we have a space where you can grab a bite to eat, meet friends for a coffee, or find a place to study.

All of our buildings have a fully licenced bar, a diner, coffee shop, and more. 

Learn more about our spaces here >>


Getting help & support

We're not just here for the good times; we're also here if you're struggling. Whatever challenges you may face while studying at NTU, NTSU can give you additional support through our Information and Advice Service (IAS).

Our IAS offers free advice on:

  • Mental Health
  • Academic Support
  • Finances
  • and more

This service is strictly confidential and independent from the University. Your advice will not go further than the advisor who you have been in contact with.

Learn more and book an appointment >>


Key Questions

Visa Questions

NTU Employability can provide you with advice regarding visa issues, including how to prepare for your move to the UK.


Halls and Accommodation

Booking accommodation can be a daunting process. NTU Accommodation can help you if you need extra support for how to book housing or where to stay during your time at NTU.


Disability Support

NTU offers support and access arrangements for disabled students and students with specific learning difficulties. If you need such support, get in touch with NTU Disability Support to see how they can help you.


Any questions?

Contact our VP Postgraduate, who also represents international students at NTU.