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Big ideas

Got an idea about how you could improve the University or Students’ Union?

Tell us so we can help you make it happen.

Our Big Ideas scheme is a quick and easy way to suggest changes to your student experience. If your idea gets enough support from other students, NTSU will try to make it a reality.

An effective Big Idea should consider 3 things

  • Facts: What is the issue we are trying to solve? What do we already know about this issue?
  • Impacts: How does this issue impact the student experience? Are there any potential negatives?
  • Reacts: What would you like NTSU to do to fix the issue? How can we take this forward?

What's your big idea?

View & Vote On Ideas

Once you’ve submitted your idea, other students will have the chance to like or dislike it. If it gets enough support, we’ll work on putting it in place for you.

Keep up with the progress of your Big Idea and vote on other students’ ideas here.