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Our social media

We always have lots going on you can get involved with. The best way to keep up to date with our events, campaigns, and offers is to follow our socials.


Main NTSU channels

Follow these accounts for NTSU-related info and offers:




Clifton Campus

Follow this Instagram account to find out what's happening on Clifton Campus

Brackenhurst Campus

Follow this Instagram account to find out what's happening on Brackenhurst Campus

NTSU Entertainments

Follow these accounts for events info, updates, and offers:





Trent Freshers

Keep up-to-date with all our official Freshers announcements, including event info and tickets here:

Official Trent Freshers website

Meet other new NTU students in Trent Freshers communities


Equality and Diversity Facebook groups

Community groups for students from a range of different demographics to share their experiences and find advice and support.

Student Parents and Carers 

Ethnic Minorities 

Mature, Postgraduate and Non-Traditional Learners 

Gender and Sexuality 

International Students 

Disabled Students 


Halls Groups

If you are living in halls this year, joining one of these groups is a great way to meet the people you’ll be sharing them with.


Executive officers

Follow these accounts to keep up to date with what your elected officers are doing:

Trent media

Follow these accounts to see content from our student-run media societies

Platform magazine

Fly Live

Trent TV