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Students on stage one in front of a microphone

Student-Led Teaching Awards 2025

Has a staff member you know gone above and beyond for you or your coursemates? Then nominate them for a Student-led Teaching Award.

Our student-led teaching awards celebrate the work of exceptional staff across NTU who work tirelessly to improve the student experience, provide excellent teaching, and develop students to their full potential.

You can nominate staff members in the following categories:

Has a staff member ever gone above and beyond to support your personal wellbeing? Perhaps you have a tutor who consistently prioritises supporting students?

This award will consider, but is not limited to, the following criteria:

  • The nominee eases the transition into university life.
  • The nominee demonstrates they are aware of the link between student welfare and academic, continuously offering support to enhance academic achievement.
  • The nominee guides and signposts students to the relevant services when necessary.
  • The nominee understands the importance of, and looks to develop, a strong sense of community amongst NTU students.

Is there a staff member who has contributed significantly to your student experience and positively impacted your time at NTU? This award seeks to celebrate those staff members and their continued efforts by highlighting the contributions they make to creating an excellent student experience. This could be anyone from the administrators in your department to the technicians in your lab, or professional services staff.

Please note: This is not an award for academic teaching staff. Lecturers / seminar leaders will be automatically removed from this category.

This award will consider, but is not limited to, the following criteria:

  • The nominee has positively impacted students' time at NTU, contributing to their overall experience.
  • The nominee develops good relationships with students, recognising their needs.
  • The nominee supports opportunities for students and enhances their potential outside of the classroom.
  • The nominee has assisted in the development of student skills.

Do you know a staff member who proactively works to remove barriers for all students, and encourages a sense of community within their teaching?

This award will consider, but is not limited to, the following criteria:

  • The nominee engages all students, reaching traditionally underrepresented demographics/groups.
  • The nominee recognises the importance of equity and accessibility whilst making, or lobbying for, adjustments to teaching and learning.
  • The nominee will ensure the curriculum, related resources and any guest speakers reflect the diverse history of their discipline.
  • The nominee will be an approachable individual, engaging in productive or educational discussion frequently on campus in addition to their curriculum teaching.
  • The nominee will engage with and encourage potentially uncomfortable conversations to facilitate reflection and development.
  • The nominee will be aware of social justice movements such as Black Lives Matter and #MeToo and encourage education in a context beyond the immediate NTU community.

Are you taught by an academic who demonstrates a commitment to sustainability? This can extend beyond a simple consideration for environmental impacts and may incorporate societal and economic factors.

This award will consider, but is not limited to, the following criteria:

  • The nominee encourages discussion over issues of sustainability. These discussions may draw on the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
  • The nominee encourages students to consider their field of study in relation to wider sustainability concerns.
  • The nominee encourages relevant discussion around sustainability in line with emerging theories and texts.
  • The nominee seeks to foster critical thinking skills through active and engaging sessions that encourage collaborative problem solving in relation to sustainability.
  • The nominee demonstrates how sustainability is relevant within future and extracurricular opportunities.
  • The nominee actively embeds sustainability in daily practice and is considerate of the resources they use when delivering content.

Are you taught by an academic who is truly innovative and passionate in their teaching methods? Someone who creates a personalised experience that allows every student to excel. This award looks to commend those academics who strive for teaching excellence and enhancing student experience.

This award will consider, but is not limited to, the following criteria:

  • The nominee will blend a variety of teaching methods, allowing all learning types to engage with the content as they see fit.
  • The nominee will demonstrate a commitment to continuous professional development, support and empowering students to develop beyond their course content.
  • The nominee is engaging, informative and knowledgeable, encouraging the intellectual development of their students.
  • The nominee provides useful and prompt feedback to students, allowing them to continually better themselves.
  • The nominee is approachable and responsive to students, making them feel valued for their work and contributions.

Do you have a research supervisor who is exceptionally supportive of your studies? Do they offer constant encouragement and motivation regarding your research? This is an award for staff members who support postgraduate research projects.

This award will consider, but not be limited to, the following criteria:

  • The nominee challenges their students to contribute new knowledge to their field.
  • The nominee demonstrates continued passion for their area of study, ensuring they are up to date with the latest research and publications.
  • The nominee is proactive in their approach to tutoring, demonstrating flexibility as they help their students navigate the challenges of a PhD.
  • The nominee will support their students in maintaining the balance between their academic and personal life, recognising the importance of the relationship between the two.

Do you have a PhD student who leads your seminar group, providing original ideas and perspectives on your course? Do they bring enthusiasm to their field of study? Perhaps they have offered you mentorship or advised you with your research. This is an award for PhD students who teach and support undergraduate and master's students.

This award will consider, but not be limited to, the following criteria:

  • The nominee will apply their own research and ideas to their teaching.
  • The nominee is approachable and responsive to students and makes them feel valued for their work and contributions.
  • The nominee has enthusiasm for their subject area and inspires this within their students.
  • The nominee is engaging, informative and knowledgeable, therefore ensuring the intellectual development of their students.
  • The nominee provides useful and prompt feedback, allowing students to continually better themselves.
  • The nominee bridges the gap between staff and student communities.

Do you have a dissertation or major project supervisor who is exceptionally supportive of your studies? Do they offer constant encouragement and motivation regarding your research? This is an award for staff members who support undergraduates with their dissertation or major project.

This award will consider, but is not limited to, the following criteria:

  • The nominee provides useful and prompt feedback to students, allowing them to continually better themselves.
  • The nominee is engaging, informative and knowledgeable, therefore ensuring the intellectual development of their students.
  • The nominee has enthusiasm for the subject area and inspires this within students.
  • The nominee is approachable and responsive to students, making them feel valued for their work and contributions.
  • The nominee develops good relationships with students, recognising their individual needs.

How to submit a nomination:

To nominate someone for an award, complete this short form. If you’re nominating more than one person or nominating someone for multiple awards, you must submit a new form for each award nomination. 

Closing date: Monday 17th March at midday.

I want to nominate someone

If you require more info or have any questions, email