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Want to try new things while you're at uni without investing too much time or money? 

Then try our Give it a Go (GIAG) program . . . We run a variety of activities on your campus throughout the year, ranging from creative and sporty to day trips and more. 


Give It A Go Week(s)

As well as our regular activities, we host two weeks in the year where we run extra student activities, including large showcase events. These include a society fair, an all-day live music gig-a-thon, and our student talent show, Trent's Got Talent


How do I get involved?

You can see our upcoming GIAG events further down this page (use the slider to scroll across them). You can turn up and participate in many events on the spot, while others have online tickets you can pre-book. Most events are free, but some carry an entry fee to cover our costs.

You can also give us feedback on our activities or suggest ones you would like to see in the future here. Whether positive or negative, we want to hear what you think.  


Why take part?

Our activities are great opportunities to develop yourself through workshops, learning new skills, meeting friends, and gaining new hobbies. We also host affordable trips to different tourist attractions around the UK that usually come with an exclusive student discount for you.  


GIAG events


We list all events in the events section of this website. You can also stay up to date by subscribing to our fortnightly newsletter and following our social media. 

This varies. Most of our activities are free, but some incur a cost. Where possible, we make tickets cheaper than it would cost you to go by yourself. 

Yes. All trips include travel where reasonable. This is usually via coach. However, we always look for other alternatives, which may vary for each trip. We're also looking into providing a make-your-own-way option to suit students who don't need transport included. 

Fill in the feedback form at the bottom of this page. We will try to host the most commonly suggested activities. If you are a student group, society, or sports club, you can host your own GIAG sessions. Learn more here. 

We release DIY trips (PDF do-it-yourself guides) after a trip has occurred so you can experience the trip on your own terms. We repeat most of our events throughout the year, so keep an eye out for them on our channels. If you think an event or trip should be run again, let us know via our feedback form. 


Share your feedback 

Your feedback is vital to making our GIAG program as good as possible. If you want your ideas to be heard, take five minutes to fill in the form here.