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Academic Representation

Studying at NTU is incredible, but it's not always perfect. You may encounter things about your course you'd like to change—things that are hard to change on your own.

That's why NTSU helps students put academic reps in place—to ensure you have a say in shaping your education.

How does academic representation work?

NTSU helps students elect other NTU students to become one of two types of academic rep: Course Reps and School Officers. They each play a vital role in enabling students to share their feedback on critical decisions made by NTSU and NTU.

This student-led academic representation ensures students have a seat at the table where fundamental decisions are made about their education.

As a student, your feedback can significantly change teaching and learning at NTU—not just in the present but for many years to come.

You're the expert on student life and how your academic experience can be bettered. Becoming a course rep or school officer means you can ensure you and your peers are accurately represented and appropriate changes are made to improve your learning experience.

And even if you choose not to become a course rep or school officer, knowing they're there gives you an avenue to provide feedback on your course and create the changes you want to see.


Interested in becoming a rep?