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Information & advice service

NTSU's Information & Advice Service (IAS) provides independent, free, confidential advice, information and representation service to all students at Nottingham Trent University. We are an  AQS Accredited Advice Service Provider.

We're here to help you

Our expert advisers can offer guidance in various areas, from money matters to mental health. Our independent status means we are ideally placed to provide impartial advice and representation for students regarding academic advice such as academic misconduct, academic appeals procedures, complaints against the University, and disciplinary proceedings. If we can't help you, we can usually refer you to someone who can.

Want free advice?

We offer advice on an appointment-only basis. Please book an appointment to speak to one of our advisors.

Where to find us

Appointments with our advisors are available during the following hours:


City Campus

Students' Union, first floor

Open Mon-Fri 8:30am - 4pm | Closed weekends

Appointments are available in-person, by telephone and on teams.


Confetti Nottingham and London

Open Mon-Fri 9am - 4pm | Closed weekends

Appointments are available in-person, by telephone and on teams.



Open Mon-Fri 9am - 4pm | Closed weekends

Appointments are available in-person (by appointments), by telephone and on teams.


Clifton Campus

Students' Union, first floor

Mon: 8:30am - 4pm

Tues: 8:30am - 3pm

Weds: 8:30am - 4pm (telephone only)

Thurs: 8:30am - 4pm

Fri: 9am - 3pm

Closed weekends

Appointments are available in-person, by telephone and on teams.


Brackenhurst Campus

Mon-Fri 8:30am - 4pm (telephone only)

Closed weekends

Please note: we work reduced hours outside of term time. Contact us for more details.


Contact us

Phone: 0115 8486260



Tell us what you think

Used our service? Please give us your feedback and help us make it even better.


We operate a policy of strict confidentiality. This means we do not disclose anything a student has told us without their permission, including the fact they have consulted us.

We record all case details on AdvicePro, a password-protected casework database. Only the Information and Advice Service staff can access this database, and records are destroyed after seven years.

NTSU's VP Community & Welfare and VP Education are also included in our confidentiality policy.

In rare cases, for example, where there is reason to think a student is likely to harm themselves or others, we may disclose information without the student's consent. If you would like a copy of our full policy, please request this by emailing

The Information and Advice Service is a confidential service for Nottingham Trent Students' Union members; therefore, we can only speak to our students themselves. Please ask your son/daughter to contact us directly, so we can assess what advice and information they may need, whether from us or another service.

We understand that students' parents are emotionally and often financially involved in their son/daughter's lives. However, we cannot discuss any student details with parents, guardians, or family members or even confirm they have been in contact with us.

One of our service principles is to empower students. Your son/daughter is legally responsible for their decisions and the consequences of how they live. We are here to help them through issues they may face as adults. Our many years of experience have shown it is in the adviser's and student's best interests to have that direct contact.

If you divulge any information to us about a student who is engaging with our service, we will make them aware of the information you have given us.

We can provide general information to parents—for example, where students can go for welfare support or academic help. You can also visit our website for information on many issues affecting students. 

If you would like any specific advice on any issues e.g. what liabilities you have as guarantor, student finance queries etc., there are many other organisations that can help you, such as Citizens AdviceShelter or Student Finance.

If you have concerns about your son or daughter's wellbeing, you may wish to contact someone at the University. Although bear in mind that under normal circumstances, no information about students can be divulged to parents without the student's permission. Please read the University's parent and carer FAQs for more information.

For more details about sources of wellbeing information and support, including third-party services, please see the University's get help and support page.

Student Minds also have helpful information about supporting your son/daughter at University.

Thank you for your understanding.