You can find all of the awards and criteria below. If you think you or someone you know is worthy of winning an award, please complete the nomination form below.
Nominations close 16th March
Do you know a Course Representative that has gone above and beyond to make the voices of their peers heard, they may have run a campaign or advocated for improvement within your learning experience.
The criteria for this award:
Has made an outstanding contribution to their course.
Shown on-going commitment and enthusiasm to improving their course.
Has submitted consistent and timely feedback.
Has shown an excellent level of attendance and participation at Course Rep meetings.
Has helped drive a beneficial improvement that will benefit current and future students
School Officer are the back bone of representation at NTSU and push to make your experience the best it can be at NTU. This awards those who have gone even further to make the voices of their peers heard. They may have run a campaign, or advocated for improvement within your learning experience. Who do you think should win?
The criteria for this award:
Has shown dedication and enthusiasm to making changes to their school.
Has submitted consistent and timely feedback.
Has made an outstanding contribution that will benefit current and future students.
Has shown excellent attendance and participation in meetings.
This award will be given to a recently formed society that can demonstrate an instant impact on campus and their members, they will have delivered engaging events and have a grown a strong membership base (don’t worry this doesn’t necessarily mean you have hundreds of members already but you may have a small and committed following). We know setting up a new society and getting it off the ground is challenging, and this award recognises the effort put in to start as well the dedication necessary from the committee and members alike to make the society a thriving community in those early days.
The criteria for this award:
Society must have been set up within the last sixteen months or less.
Effectively managed the society’s budget/accounts.
Good member recruitment and retention within the first year
Successfully organised activities and events for members.
Good, regular communication between the society and NTSU.
Shows potential for growth and future success.
Caters for all members and has been successful in fulfilling its aims and objectives.
Priorities sustainability to make sure that as well as having a positive impact on their members they positively impact the planet.
For this award you may submit with either a written or video submission!
We are lucky to have so many amazing societies at NTSU, but every year some stand even taller This award is for a society that has consistently delivered excellent activities and opportunities for their members that are fun engaging and make the academic year worthwhile. These societies excel in deliver quality experiences for their members while also being manged excellently to sustain the socs strengths. These society's grow and evolve to reflect their participant providing a community that excites current members and gains new members alike
The criteria for this award:
Caters for all members by organising a variety of events/activities and has been successful in fulfilling its aims and objectives.
Aims to raise the profile of societies within NTSU and the university.
Effectively managed the society’s budget and accounts.
Has had good membership retention and engagement throughout the year.
Effective communication to society members.
Has maintained a positive representation of NTSU and the University.
Priorities sustainability to make sure that as well as having a positive impact on their members they positively impact the planet
NTSU is lucky enough to have a team of fantastic student staff that support all our areas of work from keeping the bars pumping to supporting students in distress at our welcome desk. They makes sure our services thrive for you! This award stand to recognise those Students employed by NTSU who have excelled in their role standing out against their colleagues and going above and beyond for our members
The criteria for this award:
The are inclusive, ambitious, forward thinking, supportive and student focused
Delivers excellent customer service
Goes above and beyond to get the job done
Supporting their colleagues to achieve
Committed to ensuring students have an excellent experience when using NTSU
This award is for individual students that have gone above and beyond throughout the year, making a positive impact on those around them and enhancing the student experience. This could be society committee member that that stands out above the rest. A part time officer that has worked tirelessly to support their students , someone how has made a significant voluntary or charitable effect, or any other students at NTU that has had a positive impact on those around
The criteria for this award:
A high level of involvement, which results in an outstanding contribution to NTSU and the student community.
Can demonstrate through their actions the embodiment of NTSU core values: Student-Led, Inclusive, Supportive, Forward-Thinking and Ambitious.
Committed to empowering students to make NTU the best academic and/or personal experience for others.
New for 2025!
This isn’t just a wellbeing and inclusivity award this award serves to highlight our students, student groups or projects that work to build safe, diverse and positive communities of students. They reach out to and pull in students from different backgrounds, look for ways to create environments that promote positive wellbeing and work to make sure everyone feels apart of the community
Criteria for this award:
Introduced or raised awareness of wellbeing initiatives among students.
Created opportunities that are open and accessible to everyone, no matter their background, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation.
Instigated positive conversations about equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) which have provided learning opportunities for students
Encouraged and supported students in taking action to improve their own health and wellbeing
Diversified the participants within the groups or projects
Together We Achieve More! This award goes out groups or individuals that have come together to work collaboratively on a project. It might be a course rep and academic society that have worked together to improve their school, a group of students that have come together for a cross-course project. Or a pair societies that have worked together to produce a breath-taking event for both their members. So stop and write your nomination about how you collaborate and we will listen.
The criteria for this award:
Worked with together with a different, society, course rep, university department or local organisation to make a difference, put on a standout event, raise awareness or produce something special.
Promoted collaboration opportunities amongst students
Acting selflessly to put the work of the group ahead of their own recognition
This award recognizes an outstanding event organised by an individual, society or other student group that brought students together and made a lasting positive impression. It may have been a small-scale workshop that has had a lasting impact raising awareness for a good cause, or hundreds of attendees at a dance showcase organised by a society this award has space for all types of events of every size.
Criteria for this award:
An event that was well-organised, inclusive, and engaging for students.
Brought the NTU community together in a meaningful or exciting way.
Showed creativity or originality in its planning and execution.
Had a significant impact, whether through attendance, feedback, or its purpose.
Left a positive, lasting impression on those who attended.
It can a one-off event or series of related events
New for 2025!
For this award you may submit with either a written or video submission!
Crash bang wallop what an impact. This award looks at the positive impact our student led projects, societies and individuals have had. This could be from smashing a fund raising target to breaking down barriers around an important cause. We want to know who you think has had the most impact on matters outside the University. Student safety campaigns, Men's mental health awareness and charity funding are just the tip of the iceberg. These students and groups do so much, it’s time to make them as recognised as the causes they show off. Tell us who you think has had the biggest impact this year.
Criteria for this award:
Made a significant contribution to a charitable cause, broader community project, or meaningful campaign.
Demonstrated leadership in driving change for a social, environmental, or societal issue.
Raised awareness around significant causes, and inspired others to take action.
Showcased innovation and creativity in addressing challenges or advocating for impactful change.
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Registered Charity No. 1154401 | Company No. 08738730
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