Category: Sports
This Big Idea was Sent to Union Meeting Student Council. Council feel this idea needs wider student participation.
Women’s Gym Slots
Facilitate a Women’s Only Gym Hour
The gym environment at NTU sports facilities can be very male dominated, creating at times an environment which is daunting for women to come and train in. Whether due to personal religious expression, being new to working out and using the gym facilities, or a variety of other reasons, a large proportion of women and girls both societally and at the university express they would feel more comfortable and confident to work out in an environment surrounded by other women (Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2008).
One example of this is the weightlifting area. The strong male presence in weightlifting sections of the gym can cause women to feel intimidated, self-conscious, or unable to try new exercises out of fear of judgement. It is not uncommon that these kinds of gender barriers when visiting the gym can lead to an increased negative experience for female members (Salvatore and Marecek 2010; Liberti 2017).
The Benefits of Exercise!
It is no secret that exercise is excellent for physical health as well as mental health. Endorphins, ‘feel good’ neurotransmitters, are released when we exercise, serving as a mood booster as well as alleviating pain. Research has shown that endorphins may support a healthy immune system as well as supporting memory and cognitive function - decreasing stress, depression, and anxiety (Healthline 2017)!
Benefits of weightlifting/strength training -
For example: chest press, weighted squat, deadlift, lateral pull – when performed with correct form.
(Healthline 2021)
Benefits of cardiovascular exercise –
For example: stationary bike, treadmill jogging, rowing machine.
(Healthline 2018)
Impacts of women feeling unable to join in with the gym community -
Due to lack of consideration around women's common experiences in sport, an off-putting gym environment could cause around half of NTU students to feel unable to benefit from exercising at the university facilities. (While plenty of students do purchase memberships at gyms elsewhere in Nottingham, it is undeniable that the preferable option is to use what is available to us at the more student-friendly pricing.)
Unfortunately, I approached the gym team twice last academic year, 2022/23, and the idea of a women’s only slot was rejected. I have since become aware that I have not been the only individual to enquire about arranging this type of session.
Sincerely, I would like to ask the university to consider whether 1 - 2 hours a week for women to exercise in relative privacy, out of a staggering 103.5 total open hours per week at both the Clifton and City Campus gyms, is really unreasonable to suggest? I appreciate this is not something that can be magically put in place overnight, however it’s been a long time that women and girls as a demographic have been asking to be included in gym spaces without feeling alienated or having to exercise in discomfort.
Summary/reflection -
I would really like for NTU Sport to reconsider timetabling in a slot once or twice a week where women can come to use the gym facilities and support each other in a more accessible setting. I believe that providing this option would encourage more women to join the gym and to ultimately engage in the sports activities at NTU, further cultivating a community of strong, fitness-positive and health-conscious students.
I am submitting this Big Idea with hopes that it might be possible to open a further discussion, about the concept of a space where women can have the option to train within their own area, or at certain times, at the university gyms.
Thank you.
References -
Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2008. Harvard provides women-only gym hours. Women in Higher Education, 17 (4), 3.
Healthline, 2021. 14 Benefits of Strength Training, Backed by Science [online]. . Available at: [Accessed Apr 13, 2024].
Healthline, 2018. 13 Benefits of Aerobic Exercise [online]. . Available at: [Accessed Apr 13, 2024].
Healthline, 2017. Endorphins: Functions, Levels, and Natural Boosts [online]. . Available at: [Accessed Apr 13, 2024].
Liberti, R., 2017. "Gendering the gym": A history of women in physical education. Kinesiology Review (Champaign, Ill.), 6 (2), 153-166.
Salvatore, J. and Marecek, J., 2010. Gender in the Gym: Evaluation Concerns as Barriers to Women's Weight Lifting. Sex Roles, 63 (7-8), 556-567.