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Housing Fair

Housing Fair 2024

What we do

Every year we invite Nottingham Trent University students to find out about what the housing market in Nottingham has to offer.

The Housing Fair is a one-day event that takes place annually in the first academic term to provide students with information about accommodation for the next academic year (2025/2026.)

This year's Housing Fair takes place at The Level, NTSU City Campus on Monday 4th November 2024

Whether you represent accommodation blocks of student halls, are a lettings agent, or are a local private landlord, this is an exclusive opportunity that takes place once each academic year for the purpose of advertising your housing company to NTU students.

Throughout the year, NTSU offers advice and support regarding housing and contracts for students at Trent. Hosting a stall at this event gives you the benefit of being an NTSU-approved housing provider.

This year, we inviting student stalls and commercial businesses to our event to engage with even more students. Throughout the day, we will be hosting mini-games and giveaways alongside stalls from accommodation providers.