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School Officers

NTSU's School Officers act as the lead student representative for their school.

They meet regularly with each other and NTSU's VP Education and VP Postgraduate to influence decisions made by the university regarding your education.

If you want to change something about your course or school, you should speak to your Course Rep. They can then work with your School Officer and the Students' Union to influence change at the university.

You can find their details on NOW, or by asking one of your lecturers.

Want to be a School Officer?

Becoming a School Officer is a rewarding way to make a difference and ensure your voice (and the voice of other students) is heard.

You’ll work closely with NTSU to make real change within the university, with opportunities to improve your school, network with senior staff, gain valuable leadership experience, and leave a lasting mark on the university.

What's involved?

As a School Officer you'll work alongside 17 other officers to ensure that your peers are accurately represented in their schools. You'll lead forums, conferences, and assemblies, presenting feedback that leads to vital change within your school.

You will be encouraged to look at the NTU academic experience holistically, including support, employability, sport, library services, wellbeing, and much more.

What are the benefits?

The main benefit is obviously improving your school. But becoming a School Officer a great personal development opportunity that will help you gain leadership skills and get more out of your time as a student.

If you're an undergraduate, you can include your School Officer experience on your HEAR, which will help you stand out to employers once you graduate.

How will I be supported?

If it sounds like a lot of responsibility, don't worry—it's not. The time commitment is less than one hour a week. In addition, you'll receive plenty of training and support from NTSU's staff and VP Education and VP Postgraduate to ensure you're confident in your role.

There are School Officer opportunities for undergraduates and postgraduates at all NTU campuses, including Mansfield and Confetti.

Sound good? Then volunteer today via the button below.

Applications are open from Friday 13th September - Friday 4th October


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