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Wellbeing map

Need support and unsure who to get in touch with?

Here's a list of support services you can access while you're at NTU.


Are you concerned about your physical or mental wellbeing?

On-campus doctors

0115 848 6481 (City)
0115 848 3100 (Clifton)
01636 813561 (Brack)
(NHS services, not run by NTU)

NTU Wellbeing Service

Silver Cloud


Are you concerned about your housing or money?

NTU Accommodation Services
0115 848 2894

NTU Financial Support Services
0115 848 2494


Are you concerned about your academic performance? 

Contact your personal tutor or Course Rep

Contact your library on 0115 848 2175

VP Education

VP Postgraduate


Are you concerned about your safety?

University Security 

0115 848 2468 (City)
0115 848 6600 (Clifton)
0115 848 5262 (Brackenhurst)


Are you receiving all the support you need?

Disability Support
0115 848 2085

Dyslexia Support
0115 848 4120


Worried about assault, harassment, or discrimination?

Sexual violence support services

Report & Support

NTSU Peer Support Scheme
Book an appointment with a student who has had a similar experience to you.

Any other concerns, call NTU Student Support Services
0115 848 6060 (choose option 1)


Still unsure who to contact?

NTSU's Information & Advice Service provides independent, free, confidential advice, information, and representation to all NTU students.

0115 848 6260

Your Vice President Community & Welfare can also take your calls and emails.
0115 848 2916