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Safe taxi scheme

It’s the end of the night, you’ve run out of money, don’t have your bank card with you, and need to get a taxi home. What can you do?

NTSU has an agreement with Nottingham Cars that means you can get a taxi home whenever you need to and pay for it the following day. That means there’s no excuse to walk home alone.

What do I need to do?

  1. Call Nottingham Cars on 01159 700 700 to book a taxi, stating you need to use the Student Emergency Fare scheme.
  2. When you are in the taxi, the driver will take note of your student card number and check your student card photograph to confirm your identity. You will be given a receipt at the end of your journey.
  3. Nottingham Cars will then email the SU, stating your N-number, name, campus of study, and cost of your taxi fare.
  4. We will temporarily cover the fare on your behalf. You will then settle with us when we are invoiced on a monthly basis by Nottingham Cars.
  5. We will email you confirming your fare and how to settle your bill when we are invoiced on a monthly basis. You will have one week to settle your bill. If you have any queries about settling your bill please contact

That’s it – no excuse to walk home alone.

We also work with local taxi provider, Nottingham Cars, to offer fixed fares between campuses and halls of residence. Download their app to book a cab with them.


If you have any experiences with our taxi provider that you would like to let us know about, please complete this form so we will address them as soon as possible. If you have any issues with other taxi providers or need any support, please contact our Information & Advice Service.