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Sexual health & consent

Here at NTSU we want to ensure students can access advice and support on everything to do with sex, including STI’s, consent, sexual violence, sex work, pregnancy, and more.

University is a time of excitement and self-discovery and, for many students, newfound independence, where you can forge new and important relationships. We want you to feel safe, supported, and comfortable with new experiences. All relationships should be healthy, respectful, and your choice.

The SU supports your sexual health and consent by:

  • Providing free emergency sanitary products in our venue toilets.
  • Promoting the C-Card scheme – free condoms for anyone under 25.
  • Providing emergency contraception.
  • Supporting you with pregnancy advice and guidance.
  • Linking to Sexual Health blogs.
  • Co-delivering mandatory consent workshops for all NTU students from 2021/22.
  • Delivering a bystander intervention workshop for society members
  • Delivering a campaign for annual Sexual Violence Awareness Week full of events.
  • Working closely with and raising awareness of our partner agencies across the city.
  • A proud member of Nottingham’s Consent Coalition .

If you would like to get involved or learn more about the work NTSU and NTU are doing around Sexual Health and Consent, email your VP Welfare and Community.

Gender and Sexuality

NTSU strives to be an inclusive student space for all, regardless of how they identify, and we have Sexuality Network and Gender network. NTSU actively supports Nottingham Pride every year. If you have suggestions on how the SU can improve its support from sexual health, sexuality, or gender, contact your Sexuality Network Chair or Gender Network Chair.

Here's a great resource for all things sexual health.

For advice and support

Visit your local sexual health clinic. They are still open during the pandemic: