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A short primer on polyamory and ethical non-monogamy

Ethical non-monogamy (or consensual non-monogamy) is the practice of non-exclusive romantic and/or sexual relationships that might involve multiple partners.

An important part of any of these types of relationships – the part that keeps it ethical – is communicating between the various partners to reach mutual agreements on fidelity, boundaries, and understanding.

· Polyamory is a type of consensual non-monogamy involving multiple partners and relationships at the same time.

· A polycule is the term for several polyamorous partners who are all in relationships with one another.

· Polyfidelity is when multiple partners engage in a closed sexual or romantic relationship between the members of their relationship group.


Ethical non-monogamy and polyamory aren’t necessarily LGBTQ+ identities but are sometimes common among people in LGBTQ+ relationships. Polyamory is also not the same as polygamy (a single spouse being married to more than one person at a time).

The most crucial elements of these types of relationships are consent between all partners involved, trust and boundaries, respect for the needs of all partners, and combatting jealousy or possessiveness within an ethical non-monogamous relationship.

Further Reading

Learn more with these resources

- FOLX Health - Queer and Transgender Polyamory 101: Jealousy, Family Building, and More

-The Ethical Slut - Janet W. Hardy

-Love’s Not Color Blind - Kevin A. Patterson

-What is Ethical Non-Monogamy? - Better Help

-Polyamory - Psychology Today